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Risk Alerts

Beware of Bogus e-mails

UPMAX would like to remind clients to remain vigilant following reports of bogus e-mails. Such e-mails impersonating UPMAX claim to update clients on changes to UPMAX’s payment instructions. In those bogus email, clients are asked to settle UPMAX invoices with, or deposit monies into, third party bank accounts that do not bear UPMAX’s name and are not affiliated with UPMAX.

Counterfeit website

We wish to alert, in particular, those of our clients and the general public who are users of our UPMAX, NOT to log in to a fake website or to provide any personal and confidential information. Any activities that may take place at the fake website have nothing to do with UPMAX Group.


Our official website address for UPMAX Group in Singapore is as follows:


UPMAX Group Website []


To protect your interests, we ask all our clients and the general public to carefully check the website address and service telephone number when contacting UPMAX, and beware of being deceived or misled by fraudsters.

We will take whatever action we consider appropriate to report and investigate such fake websites, their deceptive practices and their operators. We reserve all our rights to prosecute, take legal action and pursue any other legal rights against anyone who attempts or has attempted to counterfeit our company website.


For enquiries, please contact us at

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